Let's Get Some Shift Done!

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  • This is a 1-hr online session; bookings are within the next 3-4 weeks
  • You're wanting to get some shift done. But finding the time or motivation is eluding you. I get it. And I can help. We'll spark your shift. Together.
  • In your online session, we will cut through the layers quickly and lay the foundation for your shift with tools and resources to make your shift happen.
  • Possible topics: adventure travel planning, travel tips and tricks you won't find anywhere else, petsitting around the world, embracing the lax lifestyle, integrating slowiness™ into your life, longevity & vitality, downsizing/miminalism, moving/retiring abroad, how to prepare for and take a midlife gap year (or gap decade, like me), other muddling midlife transition topics.